Notes on Why Cuba's is a Failed Project
Cuba's is a failed project because "based in part on a misreading of Anthropologists like Lewis Henry Morgan, Marx and Engels argued that an early stage of 'primitive communism' existed prior to the rise of exploitative class relationships, an idealized state that communism sought to recover"(Fukuyama 64-65.) The Cuban Revolution ideology, based on this misconception of property rights, eliminated private property, the base of any economic development. The elimination of property rights, as well as the elimination of the classic doctrine of the separations of the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers was a result of decades of corruption and inequality from the end of the independence wars against Spain to Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship. Looking to solve the problems of a society and a culture, Fidel Castro based his economic and political ideas in 19th century Marxian fantasies, thus leading the country to failure and to a dead end with no solution in sight. Fidel Castro enthroned the Marxian ideology of communism in the fabric of the nation. The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, established in the year 1976, says in artículo 5o.- El Partido Comunista de Cuba, martiano y marxista-leninista, vanguardia organizada de la nación cubana, es la fuerza dirigente superior de la sociedad y del Estado, que organiza y orienta los esfuerzos comunes hacia los altos fines de la construcción del socialismo y el avance hacia la sociedad comunista. Thus establishing the base for economic, political and social anihilation of the Cuban nation. The doctrine of historical materialism posited by Marx and Engels conceives the becoming of humankind as a developmental process in a series of stages from slavery to feudalism to capitalism and to communism. This doctrine is the mental spine of the Cuban political hierarchy, setting the stage for an institutionalized way of thinking that takes economic and political progress as granted, institutionalizing passivity at all levels of society. The religion of communism is the dogma that rigidifies thinking and makes it impossible for new and alternative ideas to solve problems The problems created by an old generation still in power with an obsolete way of thinking, alien to the reality of a different world, and incapable of steering the country into the economic and political dynamics of the 21st century.
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